Monday 23 July 2012

Taken Hostage

Bad thoughts repeat like a bad meal,
Leaving a awful taste, good thoughts they steal.
A lack of confidence, a loss of control,
Fears of impulse grow like a wart, or a mole.
Thinking up mind diseases is a popular past-time,
Of the schizophrenic community, from their pits they shall climb.
Friends say the same - it's as common as herpes,
Do a little dance with your knees - they're called bur-pees.
There's no such thing as demons just errors in thinking,
Put your mind to the test, use the pen for inking.
Just say what's on your mind don't be specific,
I'm sure that others will find it terrific.


  1. You've very clearly :-) identified the modern perspective on behavior. Well organized, nicely rhymed and entertaining, too.

  2. You had me at the first line. I can totally relate to the power of the pen when it comes to what can seem like helpless negative thinking. Well written.

  3. Oh this was a great write....lovely

  4. "Fears of impulse grow like a wart, or a mole"

    this line stuck me in the chest, it's so accurate it's definition of what it feels like. Great job
